Brain hemorrhage

M elzouki • October 23, 2022

Site of hemorrhage, Neurologic findings 

  • Basal ganglia Neurologic findings:
  1. Contralateral herniparesis & hemisensory loss
  2. Homonymous hemianopsia
  3. Gaze palsy
  • Cerebellum Neurologic findings:
  1. Usually NO hemiparesis
  2. Facial weakness
  3. Ataxia & nystagmus
  4. Occipital headache & neck stuffiness
  • Thalamus Neurologic findings:
  1. Contralateral hemiparesis & hemisensory loss
  2. Nonreactive miotic pupils
  3. Upgaze palsy
  4. Eyes deviate Toward hemiparesis
  • Cerebral lobe Neurologic findings:
  1. Contralateral hemiparesis (frontal lobe) 
  2. Contralateral hemisensory loss (parietal lobe) 
  3. Cerebral lobe Homonymous hemianopsia (occipital lobe) 
  4. Eyes deviate away from hemiparesis
  5. High incidence of seizures
  • PONS Neurologic findings:
  1. Deep coma & total paralysis within minutes
  2. Pinpoint reactive pupils


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