10 Common causes of ascites

EDOWERD • September 5, 2022

Common causes of ascites :

Common causes of ascites :


 -Acute liver failure

-Alcoholic hepatitis

-Heart failure


- Malnutrition

-Budd-Chiari syndrome

-Nephrotic syndrome


2- Peritoneal causes :.    

-Malignancy (ovarian, pancreatic)

-Infection (tuberculosis, fungal)

Ascites fluid characteristics (Cell count and differential)


Bloody: trauma, malignancy, TB (rarely)

Milky: chylous

Turbid: possible infection

Straw color: likely more benign causes

B- Neutrophils:

2250/mm: peritonitis (secondary or spontaneous bacterial)

C-Total protein

-more than 22.5 g/dL (high-protein ascites)

CHF, constrictive pericarditis, peritoneal carcinomatosis, TB, Budd-Chiari syndrome, fungal

-lees than 2.5 g/dL (low—protein ascites)

Cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome

D-SAAG (serum—ascites albumin gradient)

-more than 1.1 g/dL (indicates portal hypertension)

 Cardiac ascites, cirrhosis, Budd—Chiari syndrome

 -lees than 1.1 g/dL (absence of portal hypertension)

TB, peritoneal carcinomatosis, pancreatic ascites, nephrotic syndrome





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